Time to make a positive change

Yes You Can

Yes You Can (Original Song) by Me

If you wanna change your life

Yes you can

If you wanna change your style

Yes you can

If you wanna make your dreams come true

Yes you can

Whatever it is

You really can


I’m tired when the world thinks

Ways that are so limiting

You know what I’m saying

If you’ve been waiting for someone to say


Hey Everyone!

I’ve always wanted to be a motivational speaker, but I also love singing songs that inspire, so I’m trying motivational singing.  I wrote this song which is called “Yes You Can” a couple months ago.  I hope to record it sometime soon.

How people kill our dreams

I was inspired to write this song because I feel like there are a lot of people even those very close to us who say no you can’t when we share our dreams, things we want to accomplish.  The sad thing is, since they are close to us we end up just listening to them and not reaching our full potential.  Or if we decide to pursue our dreams anyways, their lack of support or points on why what we want to do can’t happen start to seep in once we start having some struggles towards our dreams.  We think this “Oh they were probably right.”

Yes you can

I wrote this song because I’ve learned in the extreme sense that if you want to do something yes you can.  I’ve come a long way from where I used to be.  I used to not make any of my decisions, I didn’t get to think for myself, I didn’t even know how to speak up, I didn’t know how to share my opinion.  God knows I did not dare try to do something fun in my life or creative.  I listened to what everyone wanted me to be.  A good girl that gets good grades.  That’s it.

People telling you what to do

I did not believe in myself because everyone else was ruling my life anyways.  What’s the point of thinking, setting goals, dreaming and reaching my full potential, if I got people telling me what to do.  Well, I’ve realized, long story short for now, that that is not at all a way to live.  Letting people tell me what to do.  Letting my mom tell me what my hearts desires were.  They had no clue.

Discovering myself

So I started discovering myself.  The things I want to accomplish in my life.  I wanted to be confident, I loved to sing, I loved to be creative, I loved to talk to people, I loved to help people.  I loved speaking my mind.  Then I started my journey onto changing my life for the better.  Getting my life back in a sense.  The process was so challenging.  I was so afraid to step out and do things on my own, the voice of my mom in my head would scare me and say you can’t make it, you need me.  My lack of social skills discouraged me deeply.  But I was determined to learn.  I thought this is the only way to live, the other lifestyle I lived was a sentence to death.  There was no Jamie there, there’s no other way but to go this way I thought to myself.

What I wanted to be

I told myself I wanted to be confident, I didn’t want to worry anymore, I wanted to be creative, I want to feel at ease when talking to people, I no longer wanted worry and anxiety to occupy my life, instead creativity and happiness.  Throughout all the doubts, fears, challenges, mistakes, failures, I kept on saying yes I can, yes I can.

If you believe it you can achieve it

Besides, it all starts in the mind.  I know this is so cliche, but it is SOO TRUE!  If you believe it, you can achieve it.  If you don’t believe, you won’t achieve anything.  Here are some things I kept in mind:

1. Don’t worry if you make mistakes. You absolutely will make mistakes as you’re going towards your dreams.  You are worth it, so mistakes mean nothing.  Learn from it and move forward.  Don’t let anyone discourage you if you they point out your mistakes to prove that you can’t.  Yes you can.

2. It’s going to take time. If you’ve been living a certain way for a while, it’s probably going to take the same amount of time or close to it to leave that way of life.  You are worth it, the time you spend to change is nothing compared to all the benefits you will reap.  Believe it.  If you don’t want to have a positive attitude or believe it, minus well not try because this shows you really don’t want to change yet or you are not ready to let yourself change just yet.  If you want to do it do it.

3. Don’t pity yourself.
Don’t tell people look at this big tasks I’m accomplishing.  Look how hard this is.  Sike yourself.  Start thinking things like this is easy, if I want to do it, I can do it.  There was one night where I was crying so much.  I was saying why me.  I was leaning so pitifully on my chair.  I’ve been struggling to maintain my home, I grew up in a home that was a pig sty and I just couldn’t get what I wanted to get done just yet, so I started to pity myself.  Then as if a light switch coming on, I thought to myself what am I doing here crying, if I want to clean my home, I can spend this time cleaning instead of crying.  I know this is going to sound harsh, but I was being pathetic.  People might say, poor you, you’re being too hard on yourself.  To be honest, sometimes a little kick in the butt from yourself is what you need to wake up and realize all this feeling sorry for myself does nothing for myself.  I make the choice.

Now some of you or your doubters may say, do you think it’s really that easy?  They may say I don’t think so.  You may be saying I don’t think so Jamie.  Well, you can sit there and criticize all you want.  While you do that, I’m going to find out, I’m going to learn, I’m going to see how far I can go, how much I can learn, and then I’m gonna keep on moving forward even more.  Doubting does nothing for you.  You possibly doubting me does nothing for me, because it’s my life and I’m gonna live my life.  I hope you learn to do the same.

4. It means NOTHING what people think, say, or act as you try to accomplish your dreams. Besides it’s your dream and your calling, how would they know a thing about what you’re feeling.  Down to it, it’s not their calling, they have their own.  Of course they probably won’t see your vision because it’s not their vision.  It’s a waste of time to try to convince people, whether people buy into your dream or not, you can still go towards it.  What I’m trying to say here is people can only hinder you from achieving your dreams if you let them or believe them.  What I did was ignore my mom, ignore her negativity, ignore my friends who were too critical on my journey to my dreams, I ignored the doubts in my mind.  You want to do something, you can do it.  You’re not being selfish.  If you don’t, you’re doing yourself a disservice and everyone else around you.  If you don’t follow what’s in your heart, you will become resentful, thus people won’t be happy around you.  So the people you’re trying to please in the first place, now don’t like you because you’re not a fulfilled person.  It’s not fun to be around you because there is no spirit in you.  The way to get that spark is to live the life you’re meant to live.

In the end, all that matters is that you’re happy

In everything I’ve done, no matter how many family members or friends disagreed, once they saw I was happy and more refreshed than ever, they couldn’t help but be around me and ask me what’s my secret.  If you want to do something, Yes You Can!